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"GALILEO" ERP system

We have implemented enterprise resource planning system named "Galileo" created by Grandsoft company. This system enables us to provide a comprehensive service to our clients starting from the first meeting with the client through the designing stage, the printing and the delivery of a ready product directly to the Client. "Galileo" simplifies the management, planning, and coordination of all actions at the printing house. The system also enables to reckon employees involvement in the production process. It also shows at which particular stage the work is at the moment. Thanks to this we can inform our clients about the status of their order and make a post-completion control. The system was partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Government Budget.
A new printing machine KBA Rapida 75

A grand start-up of the five-colour machine KBA Rapida 75-5+L took place on the 17th June 2010. City and local self-government representatives, president of KBA Polska Olivier Becker and vice-president of KBA Jens Junker were celebrating with us the start-up of the new machine. KBA Rapida 75-5+L has 5-colour printing units plus coater and high pile delivery. It prints 15 000 sheets/hour. Additionally, the machine has been equipped with options which make the printing easier and faster, inter alia: semi-automatic plates loading system (thanks to which the change of plates at one printing unit lasts only 50 seconds), automatic wash up system of ink rollers, blanket cylinders, impression cylinders and plates, KBA system DensiTronic for densitometer measurement of control strip and KBA ErgoTronic console with interface compatibile with JDF standard. The machine was partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Government Budget.
EU grant awarded

In February 2010 our project named "Wdrożenie systemu informatycznego do zarządzania drukarnią i modernizacja produkcji w Zakładzie Wielobranżowym Poligrafia Kacprzak Adwentowski Spółka jawna w Łowiczu" passed a positive formal-substantive and formal-accounting verification and was granted the EU award. The project was implemented on the basis of Operational Programme III.2. - Bussiness Innovation and Competitiveness Development (Priority III: Economy, Innovation, Enterpreneurship).

over 23 years of operating
over 23 years of operating